
MSAWWA/MWEA Joint Committees

Cross Connection Control

Work with DEQ to implement the administrative rules for crossconnection control. Assist other groups in providing pertinent education and training.


Increase exhibitors’ involvement in section activities & technical education. Encourage exhibitors’ strong presence at the Annual Conference.

Host City

Organize & plan for annual conference, working closely with Executive Secretary.

Information Management

Preserve significant historical documents & artifacts of MSAWWA & MWEA. Provide ongoing guidance and assist with functionality of joint website including incorporation of social media and addition of historical documents and photos.

Lifetime Achievement

Select the awardee(s) & present award at annual conference.


Prepare & distribute “Call for Program Abstracts” to solicit interest in program presentations for annual conference. Review responses & select/schedule speakers & topics.

Public Outreach

Promote state and national water education events, including water and wastewater training events, Imagine A Day Without Water, Water Week, and Infrastructure Week, publish the Montana Water Newsletter, and engage in outreach to local schools and classrooms.


Select one/two students annually whose course work will lead to employment in the water and/or wastewater fields. The Scholarship is to be used toward the cost of tuition & books & includes a one year student membership for MSAWWA or MWEA.

Student & Young Professionals

This committee is intended to include members less than 35 years in age and who have worked less than 10 years in the industry. The purpose is to encourage involvement of college students and young professionals in either organization and at the Joint Conference.


MSAWWA Committees


Solicit nominations and select an AWWA Operator’s Meritorious Awardee of the year and present award to operator at annual conference. On an as-needed basis, arrange for procurement and presentation of special safety awards to appropriate recipients.


Promote educational opportunities. Also work with the program committee on activities for annual conference & pre-conference.


Promote continual involvement with AWWA & WEF. Be aware of & respond to & distribute information on changing legislation on both national & state levels. Recommend legislative tracking consultant.


Increase membership by identifying & contacting potential members. Provide membership benefit materials to recruiting members. Mentor first time conference attendees.

Water for People

Continue to actively support the Adopt a Country Program in Honduras and in Malawi (when feasible). Continue fund raising activities at the annual conference.


MWEA Committees

Beneficial Reuse

Obtain nominations and select a system best demonstrating water resource recovery including but not limited to methane gas, effluent reuse and biosolids.


Enhance the professional competency & qualifications of members.

Government Affairs

Obtain & disseminate relevant legislative information. Participate in the legislative & regulatory development processes.

Grants For Teachers

To provide money to Montana teachers to buy materials or equipment to conduct experiments and educate children on water and other environmental topics and issues.  Provide an application for interested teachers to complete and submit for funding consideration. Periodically review and improve the application. Establish a ranking and selection process for teacher applications. Provide advice and guidance to teachers as requested. Connect teachers with mentors and professionals to assist them, as needed. Advertise and make teachers aware of the availability of these funds. Contact the Office of Public Instruction and any other agencies that can help spread the word and reach teachers. Provide follow-up on grant awards.

Honors & Awards

Help select awardees & give recognition to individuals & facilities for exemplary performance.

Long Range Planning

Develop & implement the long-range plan that identifies the direction of the association.


Maintain current members, attract new members, & diversify professionally.


The pretreatment committee is a forum for discussion of both existing and new pretreatment programs to help communities, engineers and operators discuss wastewater pretreatment. The committee will provide direction to new programs being implemented. This committee will also serve as a round-table for existing communities with pretreatment programs to discuss problems or regulations.

Stockholm Junior Water Prize

Encourage student participation in water-related projects within regional & state science fairs in Montana. MWEA members participate as judges in regional & state fairs as judges to select a statewinner to attend the WEF-SJWP competition.


MWEA has added a new stormwater committee. The purpose of the committee is to provide support and information to communities, engineers, and operators as they deal with stormwater issues.